
2007-07-19 00:00 来源:丁香园 作者:西门吹血
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  Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) can have a profound effect on pregnancy outcome.

  In what ways does SLE affect the babies?








  In what ways does SLE affect the babies?

  Women with systemic lupus erythematosus have serum antibodies directed against a variety of cell nuclear and other cellular components. The nature of these antibodies differs between patients, both in types and levels. In some patients with SLE, the antibodies present can be associated with a neonatal lupus syndrome (NLE). Maternal antibodies against the components of the SSA/Ro or SSA/La ribonucleoprotein complexes are those most closely linked to the neonatal lupus syndrome (1,2).

  The two prominent clinical manifestations of this disorder include transient skin lesions, and permanent congenital heart block, although self-limited cholestatic hepatitis and cytopenia have also been reported (3,4). The mechanism for the disorder is passive auto-immunity, in which maternal antibodies are transported transplacentally, and result in tissue damage in the fetus, and subsequently in the newborn. The incidence of NLE is interesting in that it only occurs in a small subset, 1-2%, of the babies borne by mothers with the specific antibodies, and the two main manifestations differ in timing as well. Cardiac injury is usually detected between 18 and 24 weeks of gestation, while the skin findings develop 6 or more weeks after birth (5). The cardiac lesion is atrioventricular block, which can be of any degree, although third degree block is the most common. Although the heart is usually structurally normal, there may be an associated myopathy in up to 10% of cases (6).

  The mechanism by which intracellular antigens are accessible to extracellular maternal antibodies has not yet been fully answered. Most recent evidence suggests that physiologic apoptosis serves as the mechanism to translocate intracellular antigens to the cell surface (7), while other reports have indicated that the specific antibodies may act first by inhibiting inward calcium fluxes across the target cell membranes, producing the arrythmia s (8).


  1.  Buyon JP. Neonatal lupus syndromes. In: Lahita RG, ed. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. 3rd ed. San Diego: Academic Press; 1999: 337-359.
  2.  Lee LA. Maternal autoantibodies and pregnancy-II: the neonatal lupus syndrome. In: Parke AL, ed. Bailliere's Clinical Rheumatology, Pregnancy and the Rheumatic Diseases. London: Bailliere Tindall; 1990:69-84.
  3.  Watson R, Kang JE, May M, et al. Thrombocytopenia in the neonatal lupus syndrome. Arch Dermatol 1988;124:560-563.
  4.  Laxer RM, Roberts EA, Gross KR, et al. Liver disease in neonatal lupus erythematosus. J. Pediatr 1990;116:238-242.
  5.  Buyon J. The heart and skin of neonatal lupus: Does maternal health matter? Am J Med. 2000;108:741-743.
  6.  Buyon JP, Hiebert R, Copel J, et al. Autoimmune-associated congential heart block, mortality, morbidity, and recurrence rates obtained from a national neonatal lupus registry. J Am Coll Cardiol. 1998; 31:1658-1666.
  7.  Miranda-Careos ME, Tseng CE, Rashbaum W, et al. Accessibility of SSA/Ro,and SSB/La antigens to maternal autoantibodies in apoptotic human fetal cardiac myocytes. J Immunol. 1998;161:5061-5069.
  8.  Miranda-Careos ME, Boutjdir M, Tseng CE, et al. Induction of antibodies reactive with SSA/Ro-SSB/La and development of congenital heart block in a murine model. J Immunol. 1998;161:5886-5892


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