
2007-07-09 00:00 来源:丁香园 作者:西门吹血
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  A woman with systemic lupus erythematosus presents in the fifteenth week of her second pregnancy.

  Does SLE have any impact on pregnancy?









  Does SLE have any impact on pregnancy?

  Systemic lupus erythematosus is a multi-system disease, usually affecting women of childbearing age. The prevalence seems to be increasing, although most authors think that this is due to improved diagnosis of milder presentations of the disease. The disease is more common in African American women than Caucasian women, with a prevalence of between 1/245 and 1/700 (1). In general, fertility is not impacted by the disease except in severe cases requiring more potent therapy, so it occurs commonly during pregnancy (2).

  The disease is characterized by a multitude of manifestations that may involve almost any organ system and by the presence of antibodies to different components of the cell nucleus as well as the cytoplasm and cell membrane. Different patients may have different antibodies and it is possible that these differences explain the different clinical manifestations.

  Pregnancy does not affect the long-term course of the disease, but may be associated with flare-ups. The presence of the disease increases the likelihood of late pregnancy loss due to hypertension, renal dysfunction or premature rupture of the membranes. Women with the disease deliver at significantly lower average gestational age, and are more likely to have Cesarean sections. Rates of chronic hypertension, renal disease, and fetal growth restriction are increased, as are maternal postpartum hemorrhage and deep vein thrombosis (3).

  Fetal and neonatal outcomes are worse, including higher rates of fetal and neonatal deaths. In particular forms of the disease, including the antiphospholipid syndrome, the rate of fetal loss and recurrent abortions is very high. Recurrent pregnancy loss occurs in about 1% of pregnant women, but as many as 40% of these women have antiphospholipid syndrome (4). Some of the women with this syndrome have SLE. For these women therapy during pregnancy with aspirin, steroids or heparin will improve maternal outcome, and may improve fetal outcome (5) as well. However, in the group of women with antiphospholipid syndrome and no SLE, supportive care appears to be as effective as aspirin therapy in reducing fetal loss (6). These studies illustrate that much remains to be ununderstood about these disorders and their impact on pregnancy and pregnant women. At the same time, SLE can have a profound impact on the fetus and neonate, including a variety of manifestations. Most prominently, these include skin lesions and cardiac rhythm disturbances.


  1.  Fessel WJ. Systemic lupus erythematosus in the community: Incidence, prevalence, outcome and first symptoms. The high prevalence in black women. Arch Intern Med. 1974; 134:1027.
  2.  McDermot EM, Powell RJ. Incidence of ovarian failure in systemic lupus erythematosus after treatment with pulse cyclophosphamide. Ann Rheum Dis 1996; 55:224.
  3.  Yasmeen S, Eby-Wilkens E, Gilbert WM. Pregnancy outcome in women with systemic lupus erythematosus. Am J Ob Gyn 2000; 182:S165.
  4.  Pattison NS, Birdsall MA, Chamley LW, et al. Recurrent fetal loss and the anti-phospholipid syndrome. Recent Adv Obstet Gynaecol. 1994;18:23.
  5.  Kutteh WH. Anti-phospholipid antibody associated recurrent pregnancy loss: treatment with heparin and low dose aspirin is superior to low dose aspirin alone. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1996;174:1584.
  6.  Pattison NS, Chamley LW, Birdsall M, et al. Does aspirin have a role in improving pregnancy outcome for women with the antiphospholipid syndrome? A randomized controlled trial. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2000, 183:1008.


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