1.AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1976 Sep;127(3):433-4.
Radiographic evaluation of endotracheal tube position.
• Goodman LR, Conrardy PA, Laing F, Singer MM.
A malpositioned endotracheal tube is a potential hazard to the intubated patient. Ideally, the tube tip should be 5+/-2 cm from the carina when the head and neck are in neutral position. In 92 of 100 patients studied, the carina overlay T5, T6, or T7 on portable radiographs. Therefore, even when the carina is not visible, it can be assumed that a tube tip positioned at the level of T3 or T4 is safe. The degree of neck flexion or extension at the time of radiography may be determined by evaluating the position of the mandible relative to the vertebral bodies.
PMID: 183529 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
2.Br J Anaesth. 2006 Apr;96(4):486-91. Epub 2006 Feb 7.
Tracheal tube-tip displacement in children during head-neck movement--a radiological assessment.
• Weiss M, Knirsch W, Kretschmar O, Dullenkopf A, Tomaske M, Balmer C, Stutz K, Gerber AC, Berger F.
Department of Anaesthesia, University Children's Hospital Zurich, Steinwiesstrasse 75, CH-8032 Zurich, Switzerland. markus.weiss@kispi.unizh.ch
BACKGROUND: Aims of this study were to assess the maximum displacement of tracheal tube tip during head-neck movement in children, and to evaluate the appropriateness of the intubation depth marks on the Microcuff Paediatric Endotracheal Tube regarding the risk of inadvertent extubation and endobronchial intubation. METHODS: We studied children, aged from birth to adolescence, undergoing cardiac catheterization. The patients' tracheas were orally intubated and the tracheal tubes positioned with the intubation depth mark at the level of the vocal cords. The tracheal tube tip-to-carina distances were fluoroscopically assessed with the patient supine and the head-neck in 30 degrees flexion, 0 degrees neutral position and 30 degrees extension. RESULTS: One hundred children aged between 0.02 and 16.4 yr (median 5.1 yr) were studied. Maximum tracheal tube-tip displacement after head-neck 30 degrees extension and 30 degrees flexion demonstrated a linear relationship to age [maximal upward tube movement (mm)=0 0.71 x age (yr)+9.9 (R(2)=0.893); maximal downward tube movement (mm)=0.83 x age (yr)+9.3 (R(2)=0.949)]. Maximal tracheal tube-tip downward displacement because of head-neck flexion was more pronounced than upward displacement because of head-neck extension. CONCLUSIONS: The intubation depth marks were appropriate to avoid inadvertent tracheal extubation and endobronchial intubation during head-neck movement in all patients. However, during head-neck extension the tracheal tube cuff may become positioned in the subglottic region and should be re-adjusted when the patient remains in this position for a longer time.
PMID: 16464981 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
3.Pediatr Pulmonol. 1999 Mar;27(3):199-202.
Comment in:
Pediatr Pulmonol. 2000 Mar;29(3):242-4.
Effect of neck position on endotracheal tube location in low birth weight infants.
• Rost JR,Frush DP, Auten RL.
Department of Pediatrics, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27710, USA.
Neck position can affect the position of the tip of the endotracheal tube (ETT) in normal neonates; this has not been systematically investigated in low birth weight (LBW) neonates. It was our intention to determine the effect of neck flexion and extension on ETT position in LBW infants. Eight LBW orotracheally-intubated infants underwent postmortem anteroposterior chest radiographs with the neck in a neutral position, in 55 degrees flexion, and in 55 degrees extension. Measurements from the thoracic inlet to the ETT were obtained in each position. The ETT always moved caudad with neck flexion (P = 0.001) and cephalad with neck extension (P = 0.001). The mean extent of ETT displacement was 3.1 mm (SD, 1.7 mm) with neck flexion, and 7.4 mm (SD, 5.2 mm) with extension (P < 0.05). We conclude that in LBW infants: 1) the direction of ETT movement with neck flexion and extension is predictable and identical to that seen in term infants and children, and 2) neck flexion should not be a principal consideration in management of ETT location.
PMID: 10213259 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
4.Anesth Analg. 1996 Feb;82(2):251-3.
Displacement of the endotracheal tube caused by change of head position in pediatric anesthesia: evaluation by fiberoptic bronchoscopy.
• Sugiyama K, Yokoyama K. Department of Anesthesia, Kagoshima University Dental Hospital, Japan.
Displacement of the endotracheal tube (ETT) caused by flexion and extension of the neck and the placement of a tongue depressor was investigated in 10 small children between the ages of 16 and 19 mo by means of a fiberoptic bronchoscope. The ETT tip moved a mean distance of 0.9 cm toward the carina with flexion and 1.7 cm toward the vocal cords with extension of the neck. After the placement of a tongue depressor, the ETT tip, which had once moved toward the vocal cords with neck extension, was displaced a mean distance of 1.2 cm toward the carina. Our results demonstrate that endobronchial intubation and accidental extubation could occur after significant changes of the head position and careless placement of a tongue depressor in small children.
PMID: 8561322 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
5.Anesth Pain Control Dent. 1992 Winter;1(1):29-33.
Displacement of the endotracheal tube caused by postural change: evaluation by fiberoptic observation.
• Sugiyama K, Mietani W, Hirota Y,Matsuura H.
Faculty of Dentistry, University of Kagoshima, Japan.
Unexpected displacement of the endotracheal tube during anesthesia caused by postural change of the neck or passive compression by the mouth gag was investigated under transluminal fiberoptic observation. Twenty-two patients were divided into orotracheal and nasotracheal intubation groups according to the technical requirements of the planned oral and maxillofacial surgery. Under nasotracheal intubation, the mean length of displacement from the carina was 21 mm by extension of the neck, and 8 and 7 mm by lateral rotation of the neck to the right and left sides, respectively. Under orotracheal intubation, the mean length of displacement from the carina was 12 mm by extension of the neck and almost 28 mm with application of the mouth gag. To avoid accidental extubation or one-sided bronchial intubation during anesthesia, the tip (distal end) of the endotracheal tube should be located less than 32 mm from the carina before extension of the neck and more than 41 mm from the carina before application of the mouth gag.
PMID: 1392680 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
6. Anaesth Intensive Care. 1994 Oct;22(5):586-8.
Alterations in endotracheal tube position during general anaesthesia.
• Yap SJ, Morris RW, Pybus DA.
Department of Anaesthesia, St George Hospital, Sydney, N.S.W.
The effect of head and neck movement and Trendelenburg tilt on endotracheal tube position, relative to the carina, was studied in fifty adult patients requiring intubation for elective surgery. On average, inward movement, that is shortening of the distance between the endotracheal tube tip and the carina, resulted from neck flexion (mean = -5.5 mm), whereas outward movement occurred with neck extension (mean = 6.3 mm). Neck rotation, to right and left, and Trendelenburg tilt did not show any trend towards inward nor outward movement (mean = 0.3 mm/1.7 mm/-0.6 mm, respectively). Whilst these mean positional changes for flexion and extension confirm the findings of earlier investigations, our range of maximum inward and outward displacement for flexion (23 mm in/19 mm out), extension (21 mm in/33 mm out), rotation to right (19 mm in/17 mm out), to left (22 mm in/19 mm out) and Trendelenburg tilt (22 mm in/16 mm out) indicate that for any given postural change in any one patient, the direction and magnitude of endotracheal tube displacement is not readily predictable.
PMID: 7818064 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
7.Crit Care Med. 1976 Jan-Feb;4(1):7-12.
Alteration of endotracheal tube position. Flexion and extension of the neck.
• Conrardy PA, Goodman LR, Lainge F, Singer MM.
PMID: 1253616 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
1、联合导气管 联合导气管是一新型的紧急气道。在CVCI处理中,应用联合导气管的主要优点有:①插入不需要喉镜、良好的照明和其他器械,所以建立通畅呼吸道不受不利环境因素或缺乏熟练操作人员的阻碍。②因其使用毋需显露声门,所以对于声门显露困难的气管插管不再是障碍。③如联合导气管进入食管,则可经气管腔进行胃液抽吸,口咽部套囊能有效地防止口内容物的误吸。④如果需将其替换成气管导管,口咽部套囊放气后可用直接喉镜或FOB寻找声门。⑤联合导气管毋需要进行外固定,因为口咽部套囊充气后正好挡在硬腭的后面。
2、喉罩通气道(LMA) LMA是比面罩通气功能确实,并有气管导管作用的新型通气道。在困难气管插管患者,不仅可协助完成气管插管操作,而且可作为CVCI患者的应急气道。在一些困难气道患者的CVCI处理中,及时正确地使用LMA可避免经气管通气。
(二) 紧急手术处理方式
1、经气管喷射通气(transtracheal jet ventilation,TTJV) TTJV不是一种间接气管插管技术,但在危急情况下和困难气管插管时可成功的运用,能快速短暂供氧,提供宝贵的抢救时间。
2、气管切开术或环甲膜切开术 如果经上述的处理方式无法解决问题,就应该立即采用紧急气管切开术或环甲膜切开术。即使外科医师不在场,麻醉医师亦可作简单的类似手术。与气管切开术相比,环甲膜穿刺切开术更为简单、安全,经过适当的训练可在30秒内完成整个手术过程,尤其是经皮扩张环甲膜切开术。这些训练均已被列入医学院校麻醉科的教学课程之中。