
2006-09-17 00:00 来源:丁香园 作者:wbhuang 译
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这项正在进行的心血管健康研究是1989年发起的,评价了全国社区内接受医疗保险者的健康状态。西雅图华盛顿大学的Chris L. Bryson博士和其同事对5888例65岁以上的老年人随访7到10年,研究适量酒精摄入(定义为每周1~6杯酒)与充血性心力衰竭之间的关系。





Alcohol Consumption in Elderly Linked With Lower Risk of Heart Failure

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Jul 21 - Data from the Cardiovascular Health Study show that moderate alcohol consumption may reduce risk of congestive heart failure among older adults, researchers report in the July 18 issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

The ongoing Cardiovascular Health Study was launched in 1989 to follow the health status of Medicare recipients living in communities across the country. Dr. Chris L. Bryson of the University of Washington, Seattle, and associates investigated whether there was an association between moderate alcohol consumption -- defined as one to six drinks a week -- and the risk of congestive heart failure in 5888 subjects who were at least 65 years old. The subjects were followed for 7 to 10 years

There were 5,595 subjects at risk for incipient congestive heart failure at baseline and 1056 events occurred during follow-up.

The hazard ratio for congestive heart failure among moderate drinkers was 0.82 compared with abstainers. Those who had 7 to 13 drinks per week had a HR=0.66 compared with abstainers. Adjustment for incipient MI had very little effect on the risk of heart failure in the two groups of drinkers.

Dr. Bryson notes that "these data suggest an inverse association between moderate alcohol consumption and incident congestive heart failure that is not entirely mediated through a reduction in nonfatal MI."

Alcohol "may exert a protective effect by favorably altering hemodynamics or influencing other factors that affect either the development or clinical presentation of congestive heart failure," Dr. Bryson suggests, although the exact mechanism requires further investigation.


编辑: 张靖

