2. What therapies appear most effective for the treatment of vasovagal syncope?
3. Why the difficulty in studying and reporting treatment therapies?
4. Have more invasive therapies been suggested for the treatment of vasovagal syncope?
1. 血管迷走神经性晕厥的治疗措施有哪些?
2. 血管迷走神经性晕厥的治疗措施中哪种方法最有效?
3. 为什么关于血管迷走神经性晕厥的研究和报道的治疗很难?
4. 有没有侵入性治疗推荐用于血管迷走神经性晕厥的治疗?
What therapies have been advocated for the treatment of vasovagal syncope?
As specific triggers for vasovagal syncope have not been clearly identified and may be variable, treatment is largely empirical and based on putative (but unproven) mechanisms (1). For infrequent episodes associated with a warning prodrome, counseling and observation have been suggested as a worthy regimen. In the perioperative setting, the patient should be placed (if not already so) in a recumbent position and monitored. As decreased preload is believed at least partially responsible, intravenous fluids, if not contraindicated, should be given. Few recommend the cancellation of a surgical case, unless significant and prolonged hemodynamic aberrations are noted.
For more frequent episodes, although a number of agents have been suggested, including increasing preload (through salt and diet modifications), vasoconstrictors, anticholinergic agents, negative cardiac inotropes, central nervous system agents, and mechanical devices (i.e. pacemakers), the majority of these therapies are supported by observational, unblinded, and/or uncontrolled studies (2). A recent review found only 3 agents (see below) which have undergone prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials (1).
What therapies appear most effective for the treatment of vasovagal syncope?
Although randomized and controlled trials have been performed for alpha-agonists (midodrine, etilefrine), sertotonin reuptake blockers (paroxetine) and an anticholinergic (disopyramide), significantly more symptom free days were noted only with midodrine (2) and paroxetine (3). These studies however, were in small samples of patients and thus remain underpowered to make significant conclusions on these therapies.
Why the difficulty in studying and reporting treatment therapies?
The difficulty in studying this patient population (and analyzing the results of any studies) include differences in the use of:
• diagnosis (especially with an entity of variable expression and incidence)
• patient selection criteria
• size and statistical power
• study end points
• study duration
• pharmacologic targets
Have more invasive therapies been suggested for the treatment of vasovagal syncope?
The use of permanent pacing for the treatment of vasovagal syncope has been advocated and supported by an anecdotal series (5). In attempting to more robustly demonstrate the benefits of pacing therapy in this population of patients, the North American Pacemaker Study enrolled patients with at least 6 lifetime episodes of syncope and positive tilt table testing results, to receive a permanent pacemaker randomly assigned to include (or not to include) a “rate-drop” feature. This specific pacer feature provided high-rate pacing if a predetermined precipitous drop in heart rate occurred (rate-drop response). With the main outcome being the time to first recurrence of syncope, the study was terminated at the first formal interim analysis of 54 (of 284 planned) patients, due to the marked reduction in the postrandomization risk of syncope in pacemaker (with rate drop feature) patients (relative risk reduction 85.4%, 95% confidence interval 59.7% to 94.7%; p=0.000022). While interesting, the study has been criticized for the small patient population, lack of a true control group (pacemakers were implanted in all patients to prevent bradycardia in all, but only half with the rate drop feature), and the lack of standardized medical therapy (7). A second trial is now under way.
Question Author: Lawrence Tsen, MD, Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
1. Fenton AM, Hammill SC, Rea RF, Low PA, Shen WK. Vasovagal Syncope. Ann Intern Med. 2000;133(9):714-725.
2. Calkins H. Pharmacologic approaches to therapy for vasovagal syncope. Am J Cardiol 1999;84(8A):20Q-25Q
3. Ward CR, Gray JC, Gilroy JJ, Kenny RA. Midodrine: a role in the management of neurocardiogenic syncope. Heart 1998;79(1):45-9
4. Di Girolamo E, Di Iorio C, Sabatini P, et al. Effects of paroxetine hydrochloride, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, on refractory vasovagal syncope: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. J Am Coll Cardiol 1999;33(5):1227-30.
5. Petersen ME, Chamberlain-Webber R, Fitzpatrick AP, et al. Permanent pacing for cardioinhibitory malignant vasovagal syndrome. Br Heart J. 1994;71(3):274-81.
6. Connolly SJ, Sheldon R, Roberts RS, Gent M. The North American Vasovagal Pacemaker Study (VPS). A randomized trial of permanent cardiac pacing for the prevention of vasovagal syncope. J Am Coll Cardiol 1999;33(1):16-20.
7. Benditt DG. Cardiac pacing for prevention of vasovagal syncope. J Am Coll Cardiol 1999;33(1):21-3.
Site Editor: Stephen B. Corn, M.D. and B. Scott Segal, M.D.
Department of Anesthesia, Harvard Medical School